Hygrade Engineering Products
Solutions to Your Haying Headaches
Starting at $53.50
The Silencer is a one-piece plastic band that slips over rake wheel teeth to prevent tooth damage. It improves rake wheel aggressiveness and helps eliminate skipped-over forage.
Price: $175
Our Wide Swath Kit significantly decreases drying time of hay, alfalfa, sudangrass, grass, any type of forage. Fits Macdon, Hesston, John Deere, Case IH haybines or discbines. Produces wide, even swath up to 100% of cutter width that promotes rapid, even drying of hay. Install yourself with easy to follow instructions.
Price: $2,500
Reverses header without stopping PTO. High-quality hoses and valves are used and can be installed in 90 minutes with step-by-step instructions.
Starting at $49.50
Rake Windguards are used to prevent hay, grass, sudangrass, sorghum, cornstalks, alfalfa, or any forage from wrapping around rake wheels when operating in windy conditions. Using these windguards increases productivity and minimizes raking losses.